Finding A Reliable Air Conditioning Servicer
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Whether you own a business which relies on cool or warm air all year round, or you own a home where you like to get additional cooling and heating benefits, you’ll know how important it is to have your air conditioning unit functioning at it’s best. It’s always key to have someone experienced in servicing air conditioners to take a look at any issues your unit might have.
For this reason we’ve got a few things you should be looking out for when trying to find a reliable air conditioning servicing company.
Certification & Training
A huge clue about how good a company are is their certification or training qualifications. To get these attached to their company and their staff, they must first show that they meet the high standards which many organisations uphold for customers. For example, the Safecontractor accreditation requires the company to adhere to health and safety ‘best practice’, helping to give customers reassurances when they call in a contractor to work on their premises.
Similarly, any training or qualification requires the company in question to have staff who completed, and passed, any training and testing modules, so you can have faith that the correct knowledge is being utilised.
Proven Reputation
While you might be able to find a company with the accreditations and training, you want to know that the company wasn’t founded a week ago. You want the peace of mind which comes with a proven company who have worked with many different customers in the past. Some people like to go a step further and request recommendations with people who have experienced working with the company before, this can either be as a written testimonial or a quick chat with another customer over the phone.
Affiliation with brands will also be something to look out for, as a company which has experience with brands and manufacturers will surely mean they are up to date on what the latest technology is. Often, you can match your unit to a brand they company have worked on before to give you extra reassurance.
Get A Quote
Any air conditioning company worth their salt will be able to give you a basic quote. This helps you to compare with other companies if you have the time, but it also gives you an idea of how much the work will cost, possibly including a breakdown so you can see what is actually involved and what you will be getting for your money. If you can’t get a quote or a rough estimate from a company, it’s usually because they want to pluck the figure out of thin air later on down the line when you have to cough up.
Remember, an air conditioning unit can be expensive to replace, so with good maintenance and proper servicing on a regular basis you can extend the life of your unit.
At Airway Air Conditioning we provide high quality air conditioning servicing. If you’d like more details about our services or our credentials, simply contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.