Health & Safety Statement of Intent
The purpose of this policy is for Airway Group to establish, promote and maintain the Health and Safety of our employees, contractors, clients & visitors, including anyone else that maybe affected by our business activities of all sizes, including installations, service & maintenance.
Our mission is to provide a working environment free from harm by promoting a positive safety culture with continual improvement, by eliminating or reducing hazards as low as reasonably practicable. Staff are empowered to be responsible for their own Health & Safety.
• Promote high standards of Health & Safety throughout the Airway Group, constantly improving our standards and performance.
• To increase employee knowledge and awareness of Health & Safety.
• Provide effective information, instruction and training to employees in meeting legal requirements.
• Ensure that there are arrangements put into place for the effective planning, development and communication.
• This policy is easily accessible by all members of the organisation.
• A system will be maintained whereby accidents, incidents and “near misses” are fully investigated and appropriate action taken to prevent a reoccurrence.
All employees are encouraged to:
• Understand this policy and seek clarification from your Safety Manager where required.
• Support fellow workers in their awareness of this policy and encourage them to seek support to ensure continuous improvement of our safety culture.
• Actively contribute and provide feedback to this policy.
All employees have a responsibility to:
• Take reasonable care of your own Health & Safety, ensuring your actions or omissions do not affect other people.
• Never operate any equipment until you have been trained and deemed competent.
• Always check the equipment (including your PPE) before you start and never use damaged equipment.
• Raise any health and safety concerns to your Manager or Supervisor.
• Co-operate with Airway Group and with the client to ensure compliance with company policies, procedures, and site rules.
Airway Group will ensure that:
• Ensure that all workers are made aware of this policy.
• Allow the employee the right to refuse work regarding health and safety.
• Actively support and contribute to the implementation of this policy, including its goals.
• Review of the policy by management to determine if objectives have been met.