Schools & College Property Services
- Over 30 years of experience
- 24-hour backup and support
- Free no-obligation quote & free advice on any new installation
- ISO 45001 accredited
- Lab Tested Air Purifiers Installation & Sales. Learn more
Schools & College Air Conditioning
Much like an office needs comfortable climates in order to help employees achieve maximum productivity, schools need the same comprehensive climate control to ensure that students are able to work to their full potential and get the most out of their lessons.
When you consider that many schools have 20-30 students to a classroom, they can get very warm without air conditioning.
Staff and Pupil Comfort
Installing air conditioning in your school will not only lead to more comfortable staff and pupils, it will also improve health and safety conditions. That is to say that studies have shown that the chance of accidents can increase by up to 25% when the air temperature is above 24 degrees, and productivity can decrease by 15%.
School air conditioning can be a key part of helping pupils perform to their best possible ability. At Airway Air Conditioning, we are proud to provide air conditioning to schools of all sizes, using our expertise to supply a professional, efficient and effective service.
School Heating & Electrical Services
Airway Group not only provides comprehensive air conditioning services for schools and colleges but also heating and electrical services. Whether your school needs a lighting installation or a new gas boiler, Airway can help.
To find out more about our school property services, please get in touch with us today and we’ll be more than happy to help.
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