Fujitsu Air Conditioning Fault Codes Explained [Infographic]
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Fujitsu Air Conditioning Fault Codes
Using coloured sensors and error codes, Fujitsu air conditioning units alert users to faults in a simple and clear way. The below are some of the more common Fujitsu fault codes that you may discover on your air conditioning system.
Red light sensor (RLS): 2 flashes, green light sensor (GLS): 2 flashes – Indoor air sensor fail.
The indoor air sensor has failed – check if it is on timer or test mode, and if the filters are clogged or not.
RLS: 2 flashes, GLS: 3 flashes – Indoor pipe sensor fail
Check for blockages in the pipes, and ensure that the pipework is between 0 – 10C in cooling mode, and 30 and 60C in heating mode.
RLS: 3 flashes, GLS: 4 flashes – Outdoor air sensor fail
Check for the correct suction temperature – it should be between -3 and 4C
E:0 – Indoor unit – remote control communications fault
Check wiring of the remote control, there could be interference which is affecting the communication between the unit and remote control.
E:01 -Indoor unit (I/U) – Outdoor unit (O/U) communications fault
Check the interconnecting wiring for interferences that could be affecting performance and communication
E:02 – Room sensor open
A sensor is missing and needs to be replaced
E:03 – Room sensor short
The sensor has short circuited and needs to be repaired or replaced
E:05 – I/U pipe sensor open
The pipe sensor is missing and needs to be replaced
E:06 – O/U pipe sensor open
The outdoor unit’s sensor is missing, so it must be replaced to restore functionality
E:07 – O/U pipe sensor short
Replace the faulty sensor
E:08 – Power source error
The power supply may have a fault – this could be a loose plug or damage to wiring
E:09 – Float switch
The water level is too high, so check your drains for any blockages that will help reduce the water
E:0A – O/U air sensor open
The sensor is missing and a new one needs to be installed
E:0C – Disch sensor open
Replace the missing disch sensor
E:0D – Disch sensor short
Locate the sensor that has the fault and replace it
E:0F – High Disch Temperature
This means there is a contamination in the pipework or a gas shortage. Consult professional assistance
E:11 – Model abnormal
Check the compatibility of the PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
E:12 – Indoor fan failure
This could be a fault with the fan and its motor. Inspect them and repair/replace them if necessary
E:13 – O/D signal abnormal
This could be the result of a fault in the communications,
E:14 – Outdoor PCB failure
The Printed Circuit Board may have failed, in which case it could need repairing or replacing
Need Assistance?
If you are experiencing issues with your air conditioning unit and you are struggling to work out the cause, then contact Airway Air Conditioning today on 0800 859 5174. We can use our extensive knowledge of Fujitsu fault codes and systems to ensure that we can rectify your problem and return your unit to full working order safely and quickly.